16-Title: Feeding practices of ruminants as adopted by tribes in Banswara district of Rajasthan

Authors: Mohan Lal Yadav, Devi Singh Rajput, Pankaj Mishra, Priyank Vyas and Vivek Mahla

Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(2):205-209

How to cite this manuscript: Yadav Mohan Lal, Rajput Devi Singh, Mishra Pankaj, Vyas Priyank and Mahla Vivek (2014). Feeding practices of ruminants as adopted by tribes in Banswara district of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 3(2):205-209.


The present paper highlights the different feeding practices of ruminants as adopted by tribal livestock owners in Banswara district of Rajasthan. A total of 120 tribal livestock owners were selected in randomly selected 8 villages from Bagidora and Kushalgarh tehsils of Banswara district. It was found that majority of the tribes (62.50%) fed their animals always at home, used own farm produce feed and fodder (90.83%), fed concentrates regularly to their working bullocks (46.67%), did not feed concentrate to their goats (54.17%) and fed often concentrate to their cows and buffaloes during pregnancy(53%). Majority of the respondents were providing roughage to their bullocks, buffaloes and cows at home regularly. Maize grain was one of the major concentrate constituent given to large ruminants (cow, buffalo, bullock etc.) as well as to small ruminants in all the three seasons. Homemade concentrate was used by most of the tribal families. Green maize was one of the major roughage given to large ruminants in all the three seasons by the tribal families while majority of the tribes fed tree leaves to their goats in summer season and greens of urad/mung/chana in both summer and rainy season.


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