10-Title: Haemolytic complement activity depicting the innate immune status of cattle in Chhattisgarh

Authors: Govina Dewangan, SD Hirpurkar, Deepak Kumar Kashyap, Devesh Kumar Giri and RC Ghosh

Source: Ruminant Science (2015)-4(2):175-176.

How to cite this manuscript: Dewangan Govina, Hirpurkar SD, Kashyap Deepak Kumar, Giri Devesh Kumar and Ghosh RC (2015). Haemolytic complement activity depicting the innate immune status of cattle in Chhattisgarh. Ruminant Science 4(2):175-176.


Innate immunity plays an important role in host defense against diseases. Complement is an important and well known component of innate immunity. Haemolytic complement activity (CH50 assay) estimation is an important tool for the assessing innate immune status. A comparative study was performed for evaluation of innate immunity status based on the haemolytic complement activity i.e. CH50 assay. For the comparative study Non-descript (ND) and Sahiwal (S) cattle of Chhattisgarh (CG) were selected and divided into 4 groups viz ND-I (6 months-2 years age), ND-II (above 2 years), S-I (6 months-2 years age) and S-II (above 2 years) comprising of 8 animals in each group. The sequential activation of the classical pathway component (C1 through C9) result into lysis of sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) that have been sensitized with optimal amounts of rabbit anti-sheep erythrocyte antibodies i.e. hemolysin (anti-SRBC). Complement was quantified by determining the serum dilution required to lyse 50% of the cells in the assay mixture. The mean (±SE) values of CH50 for ND-I, ND-II, S-I and S-II groups were 166.75±1.30 CH50 U/ml, 174.25±0.75 CH50 U/ml, 171.62±0.68 CH50 U/ml and 184.50±0.59 CH50 U/ml, respectively. ND calves and adults possessed significantly (P<0.01) lower activity than Sahiwal cattle. The results indicated that in Chhattisgarh Sahiwal having high innate immunity level as compare to the Non-descript cattle.


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