15-Title: Attitude of dairy farmers towards rearing crossbred cattle in Banaskantha district of Gujarat

Authors: DV Parmar, BK Ashwar, AS Sheikh and MB Rajput

Source: Ruminant Science (2015)-4(2):193-194.

How to cite this manuscript: Parmar DV, Ashwar BK, Sheikh AS and Rajput MB (2015). Attitude of dairy farmers towards rearing crossbred cattle in Banaskantha district of Gujarat. Ruminant Science 4(2):193-194.


Dairy farming in India is one of the most important means of providing livelihood and nutritional security to vast rural population. Though, Gujarat is one of the leading states in dairy sector it has inherent constraints of low yielding non-descript cattle population along with scarcity of balanced resources of feeds and fodder. No previous attempts had been made to study the attitude of dairy farmers towards rearing of crossbred cattle. Therefore, taking these considerations the present study was conducted in the Banaskantha district of Gujarat. Majority of the respondents had neutral attitude towards rearing crossbred cattle, followed by favourable and unfavourable attitude. The study highlighted the need of organizing more number of training related with Crossbred cattle rearing practices and active participation by dairy farmers which would bring a significant change in the attitude of dairy farmers towards crossbred cattle.        


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