9-Title: Comparative evaluation of two screening tests (serum elisa and fecal microscopy) for the estimation of Johne’s disease infection in goat herds endemically infected with Johne’s disease

Authors: Sahzad, Saurabh Gupta, Kundan Kumar Chaubey, Sujatha Jayaraman, Manju Singh, Bjorn John Stephan, Deen dayal, Mukta Jain, Anjali Pachoori, Jagdip Singh Sohal, Ashok Kumar Bhatia and Shoor Vir Singh

Source: Ruminant Science (2015)-4(2):171-174.

How to cite this manuscript: Sahzad, Gupta Saurabh, Chaubey Kundan Kumar, Jayaraman Sujatha, Singh Manju, Stephan Bjorn John, Dayal Deen, Jain Mukta, Pachoori Anjali, Sohal Jagdip Singh, Bhatia Ashok Kumar and Singh Shoor Vir (2015). Comparative evaluation of two screening tests (serum elisa and fecal microscopy) for the estimation of Johne’s disease infection in goat herds endemically infected with Johne’s disease. Ruminant Science 4(2):171-174.


Present study evaluated two screening tests (serum ELISA and fecal microscopy) to estimate bio-incidence of Johne’s disease in Barbari, Jakhrana and Jamunapari breeds of goatherds naturally infected and endemic for Johne’s disease. A total of 54 fecal and serum samples were tested by microscopy and Indigenous ELISA. Of the 54 serum samples screened, 34 (64.9%) positive for MAP infection in indigenous ELISA, whereas 31 (57.4%) goats were shedding MAP bacilli in feces. Two test combinations (ELISA and microscopy) detected 87.0% goats as positive. Independently, 24.0 and 29.6% goats were missed by indigenous ELISA and microscopy, respectively, By indigenous ELISA higher (72.0%) number of males, were positive as compared to females (55.1%). Correlation between two tests was statistically not significant (p value=0.710) and strength of agreement was poor (Kappa value =0.195). Indigenous ELISA was more sensitive as compared to microscopy and detected a higher number of goats infected with MAP even though anti-MAP antibodies were in lower level. The Study concluded that it is prudent to use a minimum of two tests (indigenous ELISA focusing on immune response and fecal microscopy on bacillary shedding), for the screening of Johne’s disease. However, independently indigenous ELISA using native antigen (polyclonal) should be preferred over microscopy for the detection of MAP infection in goatherds.


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