Effect of melatonin on reproductive efficiency in goat during non breeding season

Title: Effect of melatonin on reproductive efficiency in goat during non breeding season

Authors: Mahak Singh, SKGhosh, JK Prasad, GK Das, G Kadirvel, RK Avasthe and Ashok Kumar

Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):247-251.

Cite this reference as: Singh Mahak, Ghosh SK, Prasad JK, Das GK, Kadirvel G, Avasthe RK and Kumar Ashok (2016). Effect of melatonin on reproductive efficiency in goat during non breeding season. Ruminant Science 5(2):247-251.


The present experiment was designed to study the effect of single subcutaneous melatonin (MLT) administration on induction of estrus and pregnancy establishment in Singharey (Sikkim local) goats during non-breeding season. Forty clinically healthy female goats of 2-5 years of age, had kidded at least once were selected and grouped as: Group (I): single subcutaneous injection of sterilized corn oil as control (n=10), Group (II): single subcutaneous injection of MLT @ 10 mg in sterilized corn oil (n=10), Group (III): single subcutaneous injection of MLT @ 20 mg in sterilized corn oil (n=10) and Group (IV): single subcutaneous injection of MLT @ 40 mg in sterilized corn oil (n=10). Estrus induction response was 20%, 80%, 100% and 30% in group-I, II, III and IV, respectively. Estrus induction interval (in days) was 16±5.00, 11.25±1.96, 14.20±0.77 and 13.60±4.06 in group-I, II, III and IV, respectively. Kidding rate was 100% in group-I, II and IV while it was 80% in group-III. The litter size (median) was 1.5, 2, 1.5 and 2 in group-I, II, III and IV, respectively.

Total live kids born were 3 in group-I, 16 in group-II, 13 in group-III and 5 in group-IV. Therefore, it can be concluded that single subcutaneous injection of melatonin @ 10 mg was an effective strategy for inducing out of season breeding in this breed with increased fecundity.


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