11-Title: Gross anatomical study of the humerus of chinkara
(Gazella gazelle bennettii)

Authors: DK Jangir, R Mathur, S Joshi, TK Gahlot and A Dangi

Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(1):51-55.

How to cite this manuscript: Jangir DK, Mathur R, Joshi S, Gahlot TK and Dangi A (2012). Gross anatomical study of the humerus of chinkara (Gazella gazelle bennettii). Ruminant Science 1(1):51-55.


The present study was conducted on four humerii of adult Chinkara. The musculo-spiral groove was shallow and deltoid tuberosity was less prominent. The head was roughly rounded and the neck was well-defined. The lateral tuberosity was large and curved over the inter-tubercular groove. The medial tuberosity was much smaller and divide was not noticeably. The coronoid fossa and olecranon fossae communicated by a small supra-trochlear foramen in some specimens, which was the most striking feature.


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