16-Title: Occurrence of tubulo-nephrosis in kidneys of sheep: Histopathological study
Authors: Manisha Mathur, H Dadhich, S Khare and AP Singh
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(2):165-166.
How to cite this manuscript: Mathur Manisha, Dadhich H, Khare S and Singh AP (2012). Occurrence of tubulo-nephrosis in kidneys of sheep: Histopathological study. Ruminant Science 1(2):165-166.
In present study, a total of 1284 sheep kidneys were examined and out of these, 223 specimens showing frank lesions were further evaluated by histopathological examination. The tubulo-nephrosis was recorded in 4.93 per cent cases of the total affected kidneys. Grossly, the affected kidneys appeared enlarged, pale, swollen with tense and non-adherent capsule. Microscopically, renal nephrosis was characterized by mild to moderate cellular swelling, hydropic degeneration and coagulative necrosis in the tubular epithelium. However, the cellular infiltration was too scanty. Hyaline casts were also evident in the lumen of some tubules.
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