17-Title: Socio-economic characteristics of dairy farm women entrepreneur in Mehsana district of north Gujarat

Authors: VK Mevada, RS Ghasura, BK Ashwar, AS Sheikh and GM Chaudhary

Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(2):167-172.

How to cite this manuscript: Mevada VK, Ghasura RS, Ashwar BK, Sheikh AS and Chaudhary GM (2012). Socio-economic characteristics of dairy farm women entrepreneur in Mehsana district of north Gujarat. Ruminant Science 1(2):167-172.


For the present study, 3 talukas were purposively selected having highest milk production in the district. From each talukas, four villages and from each villages, five respondents were randomly selected making of total 60 respondents for the personnel, socio-psychological, socio-economic and communicational characteristics in Mehsana district of North Gujarat. The study revealed that majority of dairy entrepreneur woman are in middle age (31-50 years) group, 26.00 per cent were illiterate, majority (53.33 per cent) of them had both dairy + agricultural occupation with large size of land holding (more than four acre of land), majority (73.33 per cent) had medium size of family, 70.00 per cent had medium dairy farming experience, 60.00 per cent had medium economic motivation, 70.00 per cent had medium annual income, 60.00 per cent had medium herd size, 61.67 per cent had medium high market orientation, 73.33 per cent had medium scientific orientation, 53.33 per cent had medium milk yield, 63.33 per cent had medium extension participation, Majority (76.67 per cent) of respondent had dairy co-operative as main organizational participation, 66.67 per cent had medium knowledge and 56.66 per cent had high adoption to ward improved dairy management practices.


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