20-Title: Effect of FMD on haemato-biochemical variations in buffaloes
Authors: Sanjita Sharma, Vishnu Sharma, PK Mehrotra and Monika karnani
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(2):181-183.
How to cite this manuscript: Sharma Sanjita, Sharma Vishnu, Mehrotra PK and Karnani Monika (2012). Effect of FMD on haemato-biochemical variations in buffaloes. Ruminant Science 1(2):181-183.
A survey study was planned to assess the effect of FMD on haemato-biochemical parameters of buffaloes in and around the Jaipur. It was carried out on two groups of buffaloes: one group of 10 FMD infected buffalo and another group of 10 healthy buffalo were used as control. Peripheral blood was collected from both diseased and control group and used to enumerate total white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs) and determine haemoglobin levels. Serum was used for estimation of concentration of glucose, total protein, albumin, calcium and phosphorus. Results showed a significant increase in serum levels of glucose and phosphorus and a significant decrease in total number of RBCs, haemoglobin, serum concentration of total protein, albumin and calcium.
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