21-Title: Use of glutaraldehyde coagulation test as an ancillary diagnostic aid for detection of severity of traumatic pericarditis in cattle
Authors: AK Bishnoi, TK Gahlot and AK Pandey
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(2):185-188.
How to cite this manuscript: Bishnoi AK, Gahlot TK and Pandey AK (2012). Use of glutaraldehyde coagulation test as an ancillary diagnostic aid for detection of severity of traumatic pericarditis in cattle. Ruminant Science 1(2):185-188.
Six clinical cases of cattle diagnosed with traumatic pericarditis on the basis of history, clinical and haematological examination and radiographic/ultrasonographic /pericardiocentesis findings were evaluated using the glutaraldehyde test (GT) to determine the stage of inflammatory condition. The GT was found positive in all the six cases with the clotting time 2 to 3 minutes in 4 cases, 8 and 11 minutes in one case each. Thus, the disease was found to be severe chronic (4 cases) and mild chronic (2 cases). The GT test findings showed some correlation with the clinical findings as the brisket oedema and anorexia.
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