8-Title: Evaluation of health status by serum metabolic profiling in Rathi cows with some disorders
Authors: N Kataria and AK Kataria
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(2):131-135.
How to cite this manuscript: Kataria N and Kataria AK (2012). Evaluation of health status by serum metabolic profiling in Rathi cows with some disorders. Ruminant Science 1(2):131-135.
Health status was evaluated in Rathi cows with some disorders viz. ketosis, diarrhoea, traumatic pericarditis and acidosis. The serum metabolic profiling included determination of various serum enzymes viz. sorbitol dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, ornithine carbamoyltransferase, 5’nucleotidase, glucose-6-phosphatase, arginase, and aldolase in healthy animals, the mean values (UL-1) of which were 12.00±0.12, 42.00±1.21, 4.12±0.01, 23.00±0.76, 9.00±0.41, 17.00±1.00, 4.10±0.09, 11.00±0.06 and 10.01±0.06, respectively. When a comparison was made between values from healthy and animals with disorders it was deduced that there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in the levels of each of the enzymes in affected cows. The magnitude of increase in the levels of all the enzymes was maximum in the cows affected with ketosis in comparison to other disorders. Glucose-6-phosphatase showed a maximum of 3.43 times increase in cows having ketosis. It was concluded that modulation of metabolic reactions was there to meet the metabolic crisis in affected animals and a regular metabolic profiling can help in monitoring the health status of the cows affected with various disorders to check worsening of the conditions.
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