9-Title: Extreme ambiences associated variations in erythrocytic glutathione reductase levels in Marwari goat
Authors: M Chaturvedi, N Kataria and AK Kataria
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(2):137-140.
How to cite this manuscript: Chaturvedi M, Kataria N and Kataria AK (2012). Extreme ambiences associated variations in erythrocytic glutathione reductase levels in Marwari goat. Ruminant Science 1(2):137-140.
Present investigation was carried out to find out extreme ambience associated variations in erythrocytic glutathione reductase levels in Marwari goats. For this purpose blood erythrocytes were collected from 630 apparently healthy Marwari goats of either sex, ageing 6 months to 4.5 years to prepare stroma free haemolysates to determine glutathione reductase levels. The mean value during moderate ambience was 0.795±0.02 kUgHb-1. A significant (p<0.05) increase was observed in the mean values during hot and cold ambiences as compared to moderate mean value. The sex and age effects were significant (p<0.05) in all ambiences. The mean values were significantly (p<0.05) higher in male animals than the female ones. In each ambience the effect of age showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in the mean values which was the highest in the animals of 2.0-4.5 years of age. The magnitude of increase in the values was higher in hot than cold ambience which suggested higher degree of oxidative stress in hot than in cold ambience. It was concluded that extreme ambiences produced oxidative stress in Marwari goats of both the sexes and all age groups, which was reflected in the form of altered status of the erythrocytic glutathione reductase. The evaluation of the extent of oxidative stress in the form of values can be useful to define the role of oxidative stress in different ambient conditions and can be used for clinical diagnosis and in health management.
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