10-Title: Effect of age and season on acrosomal integrity of Barbari buck sperm

Authors: A Kumar, DK Swain, T Kumar, J Kumar, S Yadav and V Pandey

Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(2):163-166.

How to cite this manuscript: Kumar A, Swain DK, Kumar T, Kumar J, Yadav S and Pandey V (2013). Effect of age and season on acrosomal integrity of Barbari buck sperm. Ruminant Science 2(2):163-166.


Present study was proposed to evaluate the effects of age and season on the acrosomal integrity in Barbari bucks. Experiment was conducted in 18 bucks which were divided into 3 groups based on their age (G1- 7 months to less than 2 years, G2- 2 years to less than 5 years and G3- 5 years to 7.5 years). The three different seasons in which the experiment was conducted were spring (S1), winter (S2) and summer (S3) season. Semen was collected biweekly and 72 ejaculates were collected from each buck during the study period. The salient findings of the study were- all the three age groups showed significant difference (P<0.01) on the intactness of the acrosome in both pre-freeze and post-freeze semen; G3 showed the lowest intact acrosome per cent. In all the three seasons the bucks showed significant difference (P<0.01) on the intactness of the acrosome in both pre-freeze and post freeze semen; S3 showed the lowest intact acrosome per cent. From the study, it was concluded that both age and season affects the quality of sperm before freezing and after freezing in terms of acrosomal integrity.


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