13-Title: Studies on gross morphological development of the tongue in goat foetii (Capra hircus)
Authors: Yousuf Dar, Kamal Sarma and Jonali Devi
Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(2):175-178.
How to cite this manuscript: Dar Yousuf, Sarma Kamal and Devi Jonali (2013). Studies on gross morphological development of the tongue in goat foetii (Capra hircus). Ruminant Science 2(2):175-178.
The present study was conducted on the tongue of 18 goat foetii divided into three prenatal age groups based on their estimated ages viz. Group 1 (below 50 days of gestation), Group 2 (between 50-100 days of gestation) and Group 3 (above 100 days of gestation up to full term) containing 6 number of foetii in each group. The tongues were disected out to study the sequential events in regard to gross morphological development of the same. In group I, the tongue of goat foetii was elongated in antero- posterior direction with a thin apex. In group II, the tongue was comparatively large and with further progression of age in group III, the tongue became thicker and more elongated. The apex was thin, narrow and pointed with sharp borders and formed the free part of tongue in group I. With the progression of age it became thicker with rounded borders in group II and group III. The root had smooth surface and sloped caudoventrally in the foetii of group I. In 40 to 49 days old foetiii (CRL= 2.40 to 5.9 cm), the transverse ridges of hard palate were visible on the dorsum linguae of the body and tip. A median groove was evident which extended upto future torus linguae. Filliform, fungiform, vallate, lenticular and conical papillae were not seen. In 80 to 83 day old foetii (CRL= 15.3cm to 20.6 cm) the tongue appeared rough indicating intiation of formation of filliform papillae. Initiation of formation of vallate papillae were noticed on the developing torus linguae. In 146 day old foetus filliform papillae were distributed all over the tongue. Button like fungiform papillae were distributed at the tip on dorsal as well as lateral edges. Torus linguae was well developed with well developed vallate papillae 7 on right side and 5 on left side.
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