21-Title: Physico-morphological characteristics of Bhadawari buffalo bull semen
Authors: Alok K Sahrawat, Atul Saxena and Sanjay K Mishra
Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(2):215-217.
How to cite this manuscript: Sahrawat Alok K, Saxena Atul and Mishra Sanjay K (2013). Physico-morphological characteristics of Bhadawari buffalo bull semen. Ruminant Science 2(2):215-217.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the semen quality of Bhadawari buffalo bulls. Semen samples (n=56) from four Bhadawari buffalo bulls aged between 3.5-5 years maintained under the RKVY project on conservation of Bhadawari bulls, at ILFC College of Veterinary Science, DUVASU, Mathura (UP), India were collected using artificial vagina. The mean ejaculate volume, mass motility, concentration, total sperm concentration, progressive motility, livability and total sperm abnormalities were recorded as 2.76±0.11 ml, 3.41±0.06, 2271.20±69.92 millions/ml, 6374.16±353.11 millions, 75.39±.48%, 85.76±1.11% and 3.82±.24%, respectively.
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