22-Title: Uterine torsion in buffaloes: A retrospective analysis of 52 cases

Authors: GN Purohit, JS Mehta, Sunanda Sharma, Chandra Shekher, Pramod Kumar, Amit Kumar, Sunil Raiya, Swati Ruhil and  Mitesh Gaur

Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(2):219-222.

How to cite this manuscript: Purohit GN, Mehta JS, Sharma Sunanda, Shekher Chandra, Kumar Pramod , Kumar Amit, Raiya Sunil, Ruhil Swati and  Gaur Mitesh (2013). Uterine torsion in buffaloes: A retrospective analysis of 52 cases. Ruminant Science 2(2):219-222.


A retrospective study of 52 cases of uterine torsion in buffaloes from the referral center during 2010 to 2012 is presented. Uterine torsion was diagnosed by per rectal and per vaginal examination and was corrected by either Schaeffer’s method or cesarean section. The incidence study revealed the respective incidence of 88.46% (46/52) and 11.54% (6/52) of right and left sided uterine torsion. Torsion could be corrected by rolling in 61.54% (32/52) of the cases treated within 36 h of second stage of labor whereas 38.46% (20/52) of the cases required cesarean section for correction of the condition and fetal delivery. Fetal delivery was possible immediately after detorsion by rolling in 65.62% (21/32) buffaloes whereas in 34.38% (11/32) buffaloes the fetus could not be delivered because of cervical dilation failure. These buffaloes were treated with 500 µg of cloprostenol resulting in spontaneous fetal deliveries or deliveries with little manual help 24-48 h later. The dam survival was high in cesarean operated buffaloes and only 10.0% (2/20) buffaloes died within 72 h of the operation due to development of severe peritonitis, whereas no animal died in which uterine torsion was corrected by rolling. A large proportion of the fetuses delivered were male (28/52; 53.84%) and only 17.30% (9/52) of the fetuses could be delivered alive. It was concluded that buffaloes mostly have a right sided pre-cervical uterine torsion and this can be easily corrected by rolling when buffaloes are presented early (within 36 h) to the clinician. Cesarean section can deliver calves in uterine torsion affected buffaloes but when the time of presentation is beyond 72 h the survival of the dam becomes difficult.


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