3-Title: Clinico-pathology of sheep pox disease in Himachal Pradesh, India
Authors: Rinku Sharma, RD Patil, HA Parimoo, D Thakur and VC Katoch
Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(2):127-130.
How to cite this manuscript: Sharma Rinku, Patil RD, Parimoo HA, Thakur D and Katoch VC (2013). Clinico-pathology of sheep pox disease in Himachal Pradesh, India. Ruminant Science 2(2):127-130.
This communication presents the clinico-epidemiological observations and detailed gross and histopathology of sheep pox disease outbreak in Himachal Pradesh state of India. Grossly, multisystemic nodular lesions, mucopurulent nasal discharges and respiratory distress were observed in the affected animals. Specific histopathological features like hyperplasia of epithelial cells, hydropic degeneration and sheep pox cells with presence of intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies around blood vessels in dermis of skin were observed. The disease was confirmed on the basis of characteristic gross pathology and pathognomonic histopathological lesions. Sheep pox is an emerging viral disease in the region and efforts need to be diverted towards its control, thereby preventing economic losses to the farmers.
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