11-Title: Effect of protected fats on milk yield and ovarain activity in dairy cattle
Authors: Tawheed Ali Azeemi, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi and Muhammad Hamid Kadwal
Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(2):185-188
How to cite this manuscript: Azeemi Tawheed Ali, Qureshi MS and Kadwal MH (2014). Effect of protected fats on milk yield and ovarain activity in dairy cattle. Ruminant Science 3(2):185-188
The study was conducted to investigate the effect of protected palm fats (PF) feeding on milk yield and ovarian activity of crossbred cows. A total of 15 Crossbred and 15 Holstein Friesian cows were selected from KP Agricultural University Peshawar Dairy Farm and local dairy farms. All animal received relatively uniform diet consisting of green fodder and concentrate mixture. The concentrate mixture was provided to animals beyond 5 kg of milk. Protected palm fats were supplemented to groups as following: PF0 was control, PF25- supplemented with 25 gm, PF50- 50 gm, PF100-100 gm and PF150-150 gm of protected palm fats/cow /day. The study was continued for 8 weeks. Daily milk yield was recorded. Milk progesterone was essayed through ELISA. Highest milk yield of Holstein (16 kg/day) and crossbred (10.62 kg/day) were recorded in PF150 group, there was no significant difference between breeds. Milk progesterone concentration of crossbred (1.96 ng/ml) and Holstein (2.15 ng/ml) cattle was highest in PF150 group. Protected palm fats had no significant effect on progesterone hormone level in breeds, however there is a gradual increase in progesterone level as supplemented fats has been increased.
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