14-Title: Oxalate and tannin contents in different forages
Authors: R Prasanna Kumar, K Sivaiah and E Raghava Rao
Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(2):199-200
How to cite this manuscript: Kumar R Prasanna, Sivaiah K and Rao E Raghava (2014). Oxalate and tannin contents in different forages. Ruminant Science 3(2):199-200.
The experiment was conducted to determine the quantity of oxalates and tannins in different forage sources commonly fed to ruminants. Oxalate and Tannin content present in sugarcane by-products were significantly (P<0.05) lower as compared to paddy straw, Guinea grass and Hybrid Napier. Whereas, tannin content was numerically lower in paddy straw. Further, sugarcane by-products like bagasse and water shoots were having Oxalate and tannin content ranged from 0.48-0.87; 0.89, 0.66-1.25; 1.10 per cent respectively.
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