17-Title: Relationship of aldosterone with electrolytes and oxidative stress during hot ambience in marwari goats from arid tracts

Authors: Nalini Kataria, Ashish Joshi, Bhagat Singh Saini, Sunil Arora, Banita Singla, Nazeer Mohammed, Shesh Asopa and AK Kataria

Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(2):211-215

How to cite this manuscript: Kataria Nalini, Joshi Ashish, Saini Bhagat Singh, Arora Sunil, Singla Banita, Mohammed Nazeer, Asopa Shesh and Kataria AK (2014). Relationship of aldosterone with electrolytes and oxidative stress during hot ambience in marwari goats from arid tracts. Ruminant Science 3(2):211-215.


The aim of the endeavour was to detect and analyse relationship of aldosterone with electrolytes and oxidative stress during hot ambience in Marwari goats from arid tracts in Rajasthan, India. Blood samples were collected during moderate and hot ambiences to obtain sera and aldosterone, gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) as oxidative stress marker and electrolytes were determined. Mean value of aldosterone during moderate ambience was 0.22±0.001 nmol L-1 which showed 36.36% rise during hot ambience. Maximum per cent increase was observed in the value of serum gamma glutamyl transferase enzyme (GGT). It can be concluded from the present study that extreme hot ambience produced the oxidative stress in the Marwari goat with an important role of aldosterone.


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