23-Title: Parturition related metabolic disorders in buffaloes: A 10 year case analysis
Authors: GN Purohit, Swati Ruhil, Mamta Daga, M Gaur, DK Bihani and Anil Ahuja
Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(2):241-244
How to cite this manuscript: Purohit GN, Ruhil Swati, Daga Mamta, Gaur M, Bihani DK and Ahuja Anil (2014). Parturition related metabolic disorders in buffaloes: A 10 year case analysis. Ruminant Science 3(2):241-244.
With an objective to evaluate the relative frequency of different parturition related metabolic disorders in buffaloes ten years clinical records of our referral center (2004-2013) and Livestock Research Station on Surti buffalo (2001-2011) were analyzed. From 729 buffaloes presented for different types of therapies 39.23% buffaloes were presented for parturition related metabolic disorders (2.60% milk fever, 16.59% ketosis and 20.02% parturient hemoglobinuria) whereas at our university farm no single case of these disorders was recorded from 529 calving of the Surti buffaloes. Of the 146 buffaloes presented with parturient hemoglobinuria during this period a major proportion (63.01%) were presented during the immediate post partum period whereas a smaller proportion (36.98%) were presented 1-2 months prepartum. Clinical cases of milk fever in buffalo required minimal therapy with most buffaloes recovering in 1.11±0.10 days of therapy with IV calcium borogluconate whereas ketosis affected buffaloes required 2.38±0.08 days of IV therapy with 25% dextrose along with other supportive therapy. Buffaloes with parturient hemoglobinuria required 3.48±0.14 days of therapy with 60 gm of sodium acid phosphate dissolved in normal saline administered IV along with ascorbic acid and supportive therapy for complete recovery. It was concluded that parturient hemoglobinuria is the most common parturient metabolic disorder in buffaloes, followed by clinical ketosis and milk fever and these can be avoided by proper care. Pregnant buffaloes with parturient hemoglobinuria are at increased risk of abortion.
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