24-Title: Effect of different therapies on estrus expression of subestrus crossbred cows
Authors: AK Singh, SP Shukla, SP Nema and MK Shukla
Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(2):245-246
How to cite this manuscript: Singh AK, Shukla SP, Nema SP and Shukla MK (2014). Effect of different therapies on estrus expression of subestrus crossbred cows. Ruminant Science 3(2):245-246.
The present study was conducted on forty subestrus crossbred cows were randomly divided into four groups of ten animals each, to study the efficacy of different therapeutic regimes on management of subestrus in crossbred cows. Group I received intramuscular injection of 0.210 mg GnRH (Buserelin acetate) single dose, group II received intramuscular 0.980 mg of PGF2 á (Tiaprost trometamol) single dose, group III received lugol’s iodine paint on external OS-Uteri. While group IV served as control which not received any treatment. The interval between treatments to occurrence of estrus was 12.31±1.59, 3.33±0.85, 6.57±1.00 days and no estrus during the period of observation (60 days) with a fertility rate of 50, 66.66, 57.14 and zero, respectively. The numbers of animals detected in estrus in four groups were, 8, 9, 7 and zero, respectively.
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