1-Title: Effect of parity on gross and microscopic structure of uterus in Teddy goats (Capra hircus)

Authors: Anas Sarwar Qureshi, Muhammad Mohsin and Sarmad Rehan

Source: Ruminant Science (2015)-4(2):133-136.

How to cite this manuscript: Qureshi Anas Sarwar, Mohsin Muhammad and Rehan Sarmad (2015). Effect of parity on gross and microscopic structure of uterus in Teddy goats (Capra hircus). Ruminant Science 4(2):133-136.


The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of parity on histomorphometrical parameters of the uterine horns in teddy goats. Fourteen uteri of nulliparous (n=7) and multiparous (n=7) clinically healthy teddy goats were collected from local abattoir. Gross morphology and weight measurements of uterine horns were performed immediately after collection. Uterine tissues were then subjected to paraffin tissue preparation technique for histological studies. Weight, length, width and thickness of uterine horns were significantly (P<0.01) higher in multiparous teddy goats (5.72±0.14 g, 13.34±0.11 cm, 1.77±0.12 cm, 0.52±0.05 cm) than nulliparous goats (3.49±0.07 g, 11.32±0.088 cm, 1.60±0.10 cm, 0.37±0.06 cm). Endometrial thickness of right and left uterine horns of multiparous teddy goats (1072.46±23.89 and 917.16±26.5 µm) was significantly higher than nulliparous goat uteri (962.5±36.5 and 857.8±25.1 µm). Myometrial thickness of right and left uterine horns of multiparous teddy goats (579.7±12.6 and 440.7±20.8 µm) were significantly (P<0.05) higher than nulliparous goats (482.5±12.1 and 480.5±31.4 µm). Perimetrial thickness of right and left uterine horns of multiparous teddy goats (30.96±1.27and 33.78±2.87 µm) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than nulliparous goat uteri (18.77±0.92 and 20.07±1.05 µm). In conclusion, parity does have a remarkable effect on the gross as well as microscopic structure of the uteri in teddy goats.


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