11-Title: Standardization and scientific validation of polyherbal formulation used for the management of bovine foot lesion in Wayanad district, Kerala
Authors: K Sindhu, D Ranjith, VV Sivan, N Anil Kumar and Juliet Sanis
Source: Ruminant Science (2015)-4(2):177-180.
How to cite this manuscript: Sindhu K, Ranjith D, Sivan VV, Kumar N Anil and Sanis Juliet (2015). Standardization and scientific validation of polyherbal formulation used for the management of bovine foot lesion in Wayanad district, Kerala. Ruminant Science 4(2):177-180.
In the present study a polyherbal bark formulation used by the local healers of Wayanad district, Kerala, India has been evaluated for the management of bovine foot lesions according to WHO guidelines. The formulation was found to be very effective in all the parameters taken for evaluation and also revealed enhanced anti-microbial activity in agar well diffusion method. This study gives the standardization protocol and scientific validation of the traditional knowledge possessed by the local healers of Wayanad district.
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