13-Title: Influence of non-genetic factors on growth performance of Sonadi sheep in farmer’s flock
Authors: PC Sharma, Mitesh Gaur, Sunil Arora, Surendra Singh, Vishnu Kumar, KS Nehra and RK Nagda
Source: Ruminant Science (2015)-4(2):185-187.
How to cite this manuscript: Sharma PC, Gaur Mitesh, Arora Sunil, Singh Surendra, Kumar Vishnu, Nehra KS and Nagda RK (2015). Influence of non-genetic factors on growth performance of Sonadi sheep in farmer’s flock. Ruminant Science 4(2):185-187.
A total of 2250 lambs born during the period of 2010-15 were analyzed to assess the effect of non-genetic factors on growth weight of Sonadi Sheep. The present study revealed that overall birth weight in Sheep was 2.65±0.01 kg. The effect of non-genetic factors comprising of sex and season was found to be significant for growth trait. Six month weight for male lamb (14.05±1.22 kg) was found to be slightly higher as compared to (13.99±0.44 kg) for female lamb. Season also showed the significant effect on growth traits. The birth weight of lamb during rainy (2.84±0.01 kg) season were significantly higher than lamb born during summer season (2.47±0.02).
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