Economics of milk production of cows in Jaisalmer and Barmer districts of Rajasthan

Title: Economics of milk production of cows in Jaisalmer and Barmer districts of Rajasthan

Authors: RS Pal, MP Kajla and MS Meel

Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):191-192.

Cite this reference as: Pal RS, Kajla MP and Meel MS (2016).Economics of milk production of cows in Jaisalmer and Barmer districts of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 5(2):191-192.


The average gross cost of the milk production per kg on wet basis year 2012-13 and 2013-14 were Rs.14.60 and Rs. 15.38; Rs.12.59 and Rs.12.42; Rs.18.40 and 17.93 in summer, rainy and winter seasons, respectively. The lowest cost of milk production was recorded in rainy season in both the years on wet basis followed by summer and winter seasons, respectively. It may be due to availability of green fodder for grazing for animals in rainy season otherwise there is scarcity of fodder throughout the year because of scanty rainfall and lack of water. Therefore, decreased the cost of dry fodder in rainy season and it reflects in cost of milk production.


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