Title: Incidence and haemato-biochemical studies on goats naturally infected with coccidiosis in semi arid region, India
Authors: Alok Kumar Singh, D Shanker, PK Rout, A Kumar, Nitika Sharma and Pradeep Kumar
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):257-260.
Cite this reference as: Singh Alok Kumar, Shanker D, Rout PK, Kumar A, Sharma Nitika and Kumar Pradeep (2016). Incidence and haemato-biochemical studies on goats naturally infected with coccidiosis in semi arid region, India. Ruminant Science 5(2):257-260.
The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and haemato-biochemical studies on goats naturally infected with coccidiosis in a semi arid region, India. Out of the 153 faecal samples collected directly from the rectum of goats and examined for the presence of oocysts 126 (82.35%) were found to be positive for coccidian oocysts. Eimeria species were identified after sporulation of oocysts present in the faecal by keeping in a thin layer of 2.5% aqueous potassium dichromate for 2-8 days at 280 C in laboratory. Based on morphometric studies, a total of five Eimeria species were identified, i.e. E. arloingi (44.12%), E. ninakohliakimovae (27.62%), E. hirci (15.51%), E. christenseni (8.62%) and E. caprina (4.62%). Haematological changes include a significant (P>0.05) reduction in erythrocyte count and haemoglobin content. Also, there was a significant leucocytosis. Biochemical analysis showed a significant decrease of glucose and alkaline phosphatase.
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