Title: Renal abcessess in sheep (Ovis aries)
Authors: Sarita, H Dadhich, M Mathur, A Dadhich and VK Dhaka
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):261-262.
Cite this reference as: Sarita, Dadhich H, Mathur M, Dadhich A and Dhaka VK (2016). Renal abcessess in sheep (Ovis aries). Ruminant Science 5(2):261-262.
The present was undertaken during period of June to December, 2015 to elucidate the occurrence of renal abscesses in sheep. A total number of 1,298 specimens of kidneys of sheep were examined irrespective of age, sex and breeds in North-West Rajasthan. Out of these, 211 specimens of kidneys suspected for abnormalities were further processed for histopathological examination. This condition was recorded in 4 (1.89 per cent) cases. Grossly, kidneys showed multiple small abscesses, these were firm, white and slightly raised. Cut section revealed creamy inspissated granular pus surrounded by thick coat of fibrous tissue. Microscopically, multiple abscesses were seen in the cortical regions which contain thick cellular detritus in the centre surrounded by cellular infiltration consisting mainly lymphocytes and macrophages with few polymorphs at the inner margin and encapsulated by a well defined connective tissue capsule.
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