Availability, approachability and use of livestock informative services of animal husbandry department by women farmers in Uttar Pradesh

Title: Availability, approachability and use of livestock informative services of animal husbandry department by women farmers in Uttar Pradesh

Authors: Jyoti Yadav and Hema Tripathi

Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):271-276.

Cite this reference as: Yadav Jyoti and Tripathi Hema (2016). Availability, approachability and use of livestock informative services of animal husbandry department by women farmers in Uttar Pradesh. Ruminant Science 5(2):271-276.


Livestock extension service delivery is under the control of State Department of Animal Husbandry (SDAH) and the services are provided to livestock owners irrespective of gender through vast network of veterinary hospitals, A.I. centres and rural livestock units which employ large number of veterinary professionals, Livestock extension officers and other paraveterinary staffs. The present study has been carried out purposively in central plain zone of Uttar Pradesh to understand the availability, approachability and use of livestock information services rendered by SDAH to women farmers in four randomly selected districts from central zone. The study revealed that majority of the women farmers availed the maximum information on management of large ruminants followed by information on balance feeding, care of new born calves from veterinary officers and livestock extension officers. The maximum livestock informative services used by majority of the women farmers included information on management of large ruminants followed by information on colostrum feeding information receiving in animal health camp and information on care of new born. Statistical significant differences were found in the availability, approachability and extent of use of livestock extension services by the women farmers rendered by SDAH personnel in the four different districts of central plain zone of Uttar Pradesh.


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