Title: Echocardiographic assessment of oculocardiac reflex in black Bengal goats
Authors: S Jegaveera-Pandian and Pankaj Kumar
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):293-296.
Cite this reference as: Jegaveera-Pandian S and Kumar Pankaj (2016). Echocardiographic assessment of oculocardiac reflex in black Bengal goats. Ruminant Science 5(2):293-296.
To study the effect of OCR on the various cardiac parameters, OCR was induced in 26 healthy adult, nonpregnant Black Bengal goats which were subsequently underwent two-dimensional right parasternal echocardiography in standing position. Left ventricular parameters were measured by electronic callipers and the indices were calculated using in-built software. Data were collected and analysed. A mean reduction of 18.88% in heart rate and 6.78% in cardiac output were noticed under the influence of OCR. Other left ventricular parameters were insignificantly influenced by the reflex. Although there were nonsignificant changes in the end diastolic diameter (EDD), end systolic diameter (ESD), end systolic volume (ESV), end diastolic volume (EDV), mean systolic ejection rate (MSER) and mean velocity of circumferential fibre shortening (mVCF), but reduction in heart rate (HR) predominantly influenced the cardiac performance.
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