Title: Camel hair production in transhumant system, Kordofan region Sudan
Authors: ES Abu Shulukh, IM El Fagir, MO Eisa, HH Abdelwahid and RM Mohammed
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):187-190.
Cite this reference as: Abu-Shulukh ES, El-Fagir IM, Eisa MO, Abdelwahid HH and Mohammed RM (2016). Camel hair production in transhumant system, Kordofan region Sudan. Ruminant Science 5(2):187-190.
This study was carried out in Kordofan region (western Sudan) the home land of several nomad tribes like Kabbabish, Dar-Hamid and Hamar tribes who were traditional camel breeders. The data for this study were collected in April to June 2015. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibilities and potential of camel hair production and to determine the average production of hair per head in Kordofan camels in relation to age, sex, season and type of camel. The survey of this study covered two hundred and forty (240) camels, divided into four age groups, one, two, three years of age and adult animals add to that a set of the questionnaire covered about 100 samples for each area from the three areas (Dar- Kabbabish, Dar-Hamid and Dar-Hamar). The average of annual camel hair yield as kg/ year were 2.0±0.7, 1.95±0.6 and 1.95±0.6 for Dar-Hamid, Dar- El Kabbabish and Dar-Hamar, respectively. The higher yield recorded was 2.3±0.2 from Dar-Hamid males of two years of age while Dar- El Kabbabish and Dar-Hamar adults were recorded with lower yield about 1.7±0.1 kg/ year. The questionnaire result reflected no significant (P<0.05) difference between herd size, annual yield /kg, kg price (SDG). But, there was a significant difference (P<0.05) between total products income per person (SDG) 995±89.2 A.
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