Histomorphological and histochemical studies on the neurohypophysis of Indian buffalo

Title: Histomorphological and histochemical studies on the neurohypophysis of Indian buffalo

Authors: Devendra Pathak and Neelam Bansal

Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):255-258.

Cite this reference as: Pathak Devendra and Bansal Neelam (2017). Histomorphological and histochemical studies on the neurohypophysis of Indian buffalo. Ruminant Science 6(2):255-258.


A study on the neurohypophysis of 12 Indian buffaloes was conducted to record the histological and histochemical features of different parts of neurohypophysis with emphasis on the Herring bodies. Tissue samples were processed for histological and histochemical staining. The pars nervosa of neurohypophysis was comprised of the unmyelinated axonal fibres, blood vessels and pituicytes. The Herring bodies were round enclosed membranous structures containing granular material and were seen in the parenchyma of the lobe as well as on the capillary wall. Irregular shaped pituicytes were found distributed throughout the neural lobe. The pars infundibulum was seen as a narrow middle segment located between the median eminences and the pars nervosa and was comprised of nerve fibres, pituicytes and blood vessels. The Herring bodies were also seen in between the neuronal tissues and on the blood vessels. The median eminence was divided into internal and external zones. In the pars nervosa, homogeneously PAS positive material was present in the axonal fibres, Herring bodies and blood vessels. Pars infundibulum was characterized by presence focally distributed PAS positive axons and Herring bodies. Pars nervosa showed presence of fine lipid droplets.


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