Title: Morphological and biometrical observation on the orbits of Indian blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
Authors: Vikas Kumar, Sanjeev Joshi, Ashok Dangi, Kavita Rohlan and DR Choudhary
Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):267-268.
Cite this reference as: Kumar Vikas, Joshi Sanjeev, Dangi Ashok, Rohlan Kavita and Choudhary DR (2017). Morphological and biometrical observation on the orbits of Indian blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus). Ruminant Science 6(2):267-268.
The present study was conducted on the various morphological and morphometrical characteristics of the orbit of Indian Blue bull. The orbits were complete, oval in shape and placed rostro-laterally formed by the frontal bone dorso-posterior, malar bone ventro-posterior, and lacrimal bone anterior. The orbital rim was circular. The average maximum length, height or width and depth of the orbit were 5.73±0.15 cm, 6.17±0.14 cm, and 6.37±0.01 cm, respectively. The orbital circumference and orbital index were 20.96±0.14 cm and 107.65±0.14 cm, respectively.
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