Title: Conceptual design in integrating informal knowledge system: A specific reference to livestock science
Authors: Nitin Maurya, Ravikumar RK, Rajiv Milli, Madhava Prasad, Vipin Raturi and Vivek Kumar
Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):357-360.
Cite this reference as: Maurya Nitin, Ravikumar RK, Milli Rajiv, Prasad Madhava, Raturi Vipin and Kumar Vivek (2017). Conceptual design in integrating informal knowledge system: A specific reference to livestock science. Ruminant Science 6(2):357-360.
Penchant for accessing quality livestock service has been felt over a period of time. Several models have been evolved in implementing suitable health care service owing to the inherent challenge in this sector predominantly dominated by small holder production system. There is requirement to infuse ‘appropriate technologies’ by identifying relevant, socially conscious approaches in these systems. Indigenous Knowledge Research System (IKRS) has been an important aspect of agricultural production systems throughout the world. This research study was conducted in Nagaon district of Assam, Nainital district of Uttarakhand and Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh with a focus on illustrating transcending institutional barriers for IKRS. Study regions were found to be replete with IKRS, however, traditional healers’ were without any formal institutional engagement. This had created an uncertain future for reviving and utilizing sustainable knowledge system. This paper articulates the necessity to understand the complexities, essential elements while undertaking measures to adopt and protect these rapidly fading innate wisdom. Recognizing these structural entities, enabling interface with local livestock units, end users by formal institutions can widen the horizon of livestock service.
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