Title: Socio-personal and socio-economic profile of dairy entrepreneur in Bikaner district of Rajasthan
Authors: PK Godara, NK Sharma, DS Rajput, ML Yadav and OP Meena
Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):361-364.
Cite this reference as: Godara PK, Sharma NK, Rajput DS, Yadav ML and Meena OP (2017). Socio-personal and socio-economic profile of dairy entrepreneur in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 6(2):361-364.
Present study highlighted the socio-personal and socio-economic profile of dairy entrepreneurs in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Total 120 dairy livestock owners were selected in randomly selected 8 villages from Bikaner and Lunkaransar tehsils of Bikaner district in Rajasthan. The quantitative and qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interview schedule, discussion, observation and available secondary sources. The finding revealed that majority of dairy livestock owners were belonged to middle age group (46.67%), OBC category (57.50%), primary level of schooling (41.67%), nuclear family system (68.80%), small family size (65.83%), medium level of dairy experience (52.50%), no training experience (62.50%) and medium level of social participation (62.50%). The findings further revealed that majority of the dairy livestock owners (32.50%), (52.50%), (67.00%), (59.17%), (50.83%), (55.83%), (52.50%), (70.00%) were marginal landholders, medium size of herd, medium milk production, medium category of milk consumption, low level of milk sale, agriculture + dairying as main occupation, medium income group and medium income group from dairy occupation, respectively.
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