Title: Ultrasonographic evaluation of teats in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
Authors: Pramod Singh, S Purohit and RP Pandey
Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):377-381.
Cite this reference as: Singh P, Purohit S and Pandey RP (2017). Ultrasonographic evaluation of teats in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Ruminant Science 6(2):377-381.
Ultrasonographic evaluations of teats were performed in 18 adult buffaloes. Animals were divided in three groups viz. dry, lactating and unhealthy group each contain six buffaloes. Teat length and diameter were measured by using scale and vernier calliper, respectively. Teats were dipped into a plastic glass filled with water at room temperature and probe was placed on the wall of the plastic glass using ultrasound gel for better ultrasonographic visualization. Teat canal length, teat end width, teat wall thickness and teat cistern width were measured sonographically in front and rear teats of dry, lactating and unhealthy buffaloes, respectively. Sonographic teat dimensions are established for future reference and clinical use.
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