Effect of thermal stress on blood plasma levels of caspases and HSPS in Tharparkar and Karan Fries cattle

Title: Effect of thermal stress on blood plasma levels of caspases and HSPS in Tharparkar and Karan Fries cattle

Authors: Uttarani Maibam, OK Hooda, PS Sharma and RC Upadhyay

Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):243-246.

Cite this reference as: Maibam Uttarani, Hooda OK, Sharma PS and Upadhyay RC (2017). Effect of thermal stress on blood plasma levels of caspases and HSPS in Tharparkar and Karan Fries cattle. Ruminant Science 6(2):243-246.


The study aimed to investigate the effect of thermal stress on apoptosis related proteins and heat stress markers in Tharparkar and Karan fries cattle. Ten each of Tharparkar (Bos indicus) and Karan Fries (Bos indicus x Bos taurus) heifers, maintained under standard managemental practices, were selected from NDRI herd, Karnal. Blood samples were aseptically collected from each animal during winter, spring and summer. Apoptosis related enzymes (caspase 3 and caspase 7) and heat stress markers (HSP70.1 and HSP70.2) were determined by ELISA. In both the breeds, higher (P<0.05) levels of caspase 3, caspase 7 and HSP70s were observed during summer followed by winter and spring. Breeds showed no significant difference during winter and spring. During summer, caspase 3, caspase 7 and HSP70s were higher (P<0.05) in Karan Fries than Tharparkar. The study concludes that plasma level of caspases, and thus apoptosis was strongly affected by thermal stress. Caspases levels were higher in Karan Fries with higher levels of HSPs than Tharparkar during summer. This might be a due to difference in heat tolerance of Karan Fries (crossbred) and Tharparkar (zebu).


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