Authors: Naresh Kumar Sharma, S Rani, H Dadhich, I Vyas, M Mathur, M Mehra, S Asopa and S Kumar
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(2):257-260.
Cite this reference as: Sharma NK, Rani S, Dadhich H, Vyas I, Mathur M, Mehra M, Asopa S and Kumar S (2018). Occurrence of the pathological conditions affecting blood vessels of camel in North-Western Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 7(2):257-260.
The present study was undertaken to elucidate the pathological conditions associated with blood vessels of camel in North-Western, Rajasthan. Majority of the camels included in this study had died of natural causes and 12-15 year old. Blood vessels samples (n=43) showing gross lesions were collected and processed for histopathological examination. The pathological conditions of arteries comprised arteritis (2.32%), onchocerciasis (16.27%), arterial hypertrophy (4.65%), atherosclerosis (6.97%), calcified aorta (18.60%), hemorrhages (13.95%) and congestion (30.23%). However, phlebitis was also reported in 6.97 % cases.
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