Authors: Arun Pratap Singh, AK Chakravarty and Mohsin Ayoub Mir
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(2):207-212.
Cite this reference as: Singh AP, Chakravarty AK and Mir MA (2018). Breeding performance of Murrah buffaloes in organised herd. Ruminant Science 7(2):207-212.
The major constraints to fully exploit the productive potential of buffalo are its inherent low reproductive efficiency due to silent heat coupled with poor expression of oestrus, seasonality in breeding and low conception rate. The data on 6804 records of artificial inseminations (AI’s) and 2561 records of conceptions of 1138 breedable females of Murrah buffalo breed used upto 14 sets since July 1993 to June 2014 under Network Project on Buffalo Improvement at the ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute Karnal, Haryana were collected and analyzed to study the breeding performance of Murrah buffaloes for strengthening future management strategies to improve reproductive performance. The month and season of breeding significantly (P<0.01) influenced the incidence of breeding. Murrah buffaloes bred predominantly in the month of October (12.51%) and minimum in the month of June (4.34%). The summer months (April, May, June) witnessed less number of breeding i.e. 17.41% as compared to 34.72% in winter months (December, January, February, March). Overall conception rate of Murrah buffaloes was 37.65 per cent with the conception rate achieved in heifers (41.01%) was higher than multiparous animals (36.39%). The average number of services per conception varied from 1.76 to 2.32 among different periods with an overall average of 2.07. The percentage of buffaloes which conceived after one, two, three, four, five and more than five inseminations were 46.11, 25.85, 14.64, 6.64 and 6.76%, respectively.
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