14-Title: Efficacy of different route of administration and doses of dinoprost in estrus induction/ synchronization in subestrus Murrah buffaloes
Authors: MK Shukla and Abhishek Garg
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(1):63-65.
How to cite this manuscript: Shukla MK and Garg Abhishek (2012). Efficacy of different route of administration and doses of dinoprost in estrus induction/ synchronization in subestrus Murrah buffaloes. Ruminant Science 1(1):63-65.
Post-partum lactating Murrah buffaloes that had calved more than 4-6 months back and not evidencing overt estrus were induced to estrus by the administration of either 25 mg Dinoprost intra muscularly (Group I), 10 mg Dinoprost intra uterine (Group II), 10 mg Dinoprost by intra vulvo sub mucosal route (Group III) or 2 ml distilled water i/m (Group IV/Control). The proportion of buffaloes evidencing estrus was 80%, 70%, 80% and 20% for Groups I, II, III and IV respectively. Significantly (P<0.01) lower proportion of untreated control animals evidenced estrus compared to treated buffaloes. Estrus occurred within 68.5±5.07, 53.25±8.26, 58.00±4.03 and 69.5±3.62 hours of the second prostaglandin injection, respectively in Groups I, II, III and IV which was not statistically different. The proportion of buffaloes that conceived on breeding with buffalo bulls was 37.5, 42.86, 50% and 50% for Group I, II, III and IV, respectively.
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