15-Title: Trace element profiles of postpartum Mehsana buffaloes with hormonal treatment

Authors: SS Parikh, BN Suthar, HC Nakhashi, VK Sharma and VR Parmar

Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(1):67-71.

How to cite this manuscript: Parikh SS, Suthar BN, Nakhashi HC, Sharma VK and Parmar VR (2012). Trace element profiles of postpartum Mehsana buffaloes with hormonal treatment. Ruminant Science 1(1):67-71.


The investigation on blood plasma trace elements in twelve Mehsana buffaloes of more than one parity was carried out. The samples were collected from the day “0” (day of calving), 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 40th day postpartum in control (n=6) and treatment (n=6) group. In treatment group, buffaloes were treated with prostaglandin F2a injection at 5th day after parturition whereas control group buffaloes were received PBS. The PGF2a treatment affected the circulating plasma levels of copper, zinc, manganese during the period of involution of genital organs and enhanced the involution process in comparison to control group.


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