4-Title: Effect of serum lysozyme on E. coli infection in Barbari kids
Authors: PC Sharma, PK Rout and SN Shukla
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(1):19-21.
How to cite this manuscript: Sharma PC, Rout PK and Shukla SN (2012). Effect of serum lysozyme on E. coli infection in Barbari kids. Ruminant Science 1(1):19-21.
The mean serum lysozyme activities of 109 E. coli resistant Barbari kids at 3 and 6 months of age were 0.41+0.31 and 0.38+0.34 µg/ml, respectively. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in serum lysozyme activity due to age. The genetic influence of lysozyme activities was obtained from high repeatability of the levels within individual from 3 months to 6 months of age. The correlation between serum lysozyme levels of repeated blending from 3 months to 6 months of age was 0.84. The mean serum lysozyme activity of E. coli susceptible 42 kids was 0.18+0.14 µg/ml at 6 months of age (during healthy period). It was observed that mean lysozyme level of resistant kids was higher (0.38+0.34 µg/ml) as compared to E. coli susceptible kids (0.18+0.14 µg/ml) at 6 months of age.
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