2-Title: Gross morphological and histological studies on the epididymis in adult Bakerwali goat (Capra hircus)

Authors: Shagufta Bashir, Kamal Sarma and Jonali Devi

Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(1):7-11.

How to cite this manuscript: Bashir Shagufta, Sarma Kamal and Devi Jonali (2013). Gross morphological and histological studies on the epididymis in adult Bakerwali goat (Capra hircus). Ruminant Science 2(1):7-11.


Various biometrical parameters of different parts of the epididymis (viz. caput, corpus and cauda) recorded in the present study showed bilateral variations between their right and left counterparts. The caput epididymides rounded and flattened, where as the corpus epididymides were elongated and flattened antero posteriorly and the cauda epididymides were rounded oval in shape. However, these differences were not found to be significant. The capsule and trabeculae of all the three parts of the epididymis was consisted predominantly of collagenous fibres with few reticular and scant elastic fibres. Smooth muscle cells were located between the connective tissue fibres. Much more smooth muscle cells were seen in the capsule of cauda epididymis as compared to caput and corpus. The nerve fibres seen at the inner aspect of the capsule were comparatively more in the cauda as compared to caput and corpus. Circularly arranged elongated smooth muscle cells formed 3-4 layers peripheral to the basement membrane of each epididymal tubule of the epididymis. Stratified columnar epithelium in the epididymal tubules of caput and corpus were seen with mainly two types of cells viz. principal cells, basal cells and few apical cells. The epididymal tubular epithelium revealed no clear cells in the caput and corpus in all the male goats, however, these cells were present in the tubular epithelium of cauda epididymis.


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