8-Title: Pathology of hydrosalpinx in goats (Capra hircus): Case study

Authors: Archana Shringi, Vijay Mandovera, Indu Vyas, Sunita Rani and Anita Bhati

Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(1):41-42.

How to cite this manuscript: Shringi Archana, Mandovera Vijay, Vyas Indu, Rani Sunita and Bhati Anita (2013). Pathology of hydrosalpinx in goats (Capra hircus): Case study. Ruminant Science 2(1):41-42.


In present study 1024 samples of genital tract of goats were collected from various slaughter houses of Bikaner, Jaipur, Ajmer and Kota district of Rajasthan. Among them 104 shows macroscopic lesions and processed further for histopathology. Among them two cases (1.92%) have hydrosalpinx. Grossly, unilateral and bilateral hydrosalpinx was observed in each case.  The fallopian tube(s) were elongated, distended and tortuous. The walls of distended tube(s) were thin and lumen was filled with clear watery gelatinous fluid. Microscopically, the lumen of the tube was enlarged with completely atrophied mucosal folds and the formations of multilocular cysts in the mucosa were also noted.


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