12-Title: Efficacy of AV/FRC/18 (polyherbal ectoparasiticidal) against mite (Sarcoptis spp) infestation in goats

Authors: AK Tripathi, JS Soodan and Rajesh Katoch

Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(1):55-57.

How to cite this manuscript: Tripathi AK, Soodan JS and Katoch Rajesh (2014). Efficacy of AV/FRC/18 (polyherbal ectoparasiticidal) against mite (Sarcoptis spp) infestation in goats. Ruminant Science 3(1):55-57.


Present study deals with efficacy of AV/FRC/18 against mite infestation in goats. All the goats were infested with Sarcoptis spp of mites. Per cent efficacy of AV/FRC/18 (Liquid Keetguard™) against mite infestation was recorded and it was found that thrice a week application of 1:20 dilution results in 98% on day 7th and 90% on 30 days post treatment. Lesion scores were also recorded and it was found that on application of AV/FRC/18 thrice a week all the lesions were subsided on day 7 with a lesion score of 1.


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