18-Title: Effect of age on feeding and idling behaviour of weanling goats reared under stall-fed conditions

Authors: S Bindu-Madhuri and N Das

Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(1):79-85.

How to cite this manuscript: Bindu-Madhuri S and Das N (2014). Effect of age on feeding and idling behaviour of weanling goats reared under stall-fed conditions. Ruminant Science 3(1):79-85.


Weanling goats are slaughtered in developing countries mostly around 9 to 12 months of age. Time spent on feeding determines the nutrient uptake by goats, which in turn plays a significant role in determining both quality and quantity of goat meat. But information on the feeding behaviour of goat under stall-fed conditions is scanty. The aim of the present study was to observe the feeding behaviour of 18 stall-fed weanling goats (9 males and 9 females) during three different periods of growth viz.  during 3 to 4 months (G1), 5 to 6 months (G2) and 8 to 9 months (G3) of age. The experimental animals received ad lib feed and fodder and only during daytime. The time spent eating forage increased significantly (H2=32.32, P<0.001) with the advancement of the age of the goats; the animals of G3 group spent about 7.45 hrs/day in eating forage whereas the animals of G1 and G2  groups spent about 5.65 hrs/day. However, the total time spent on eating (both forage and concentrate) was more or less same (about 9 hrs/day) in all the three age groups. The total time spent on different idling activities (viz. loafing, resting and sleeping) during daytime was more or less same (about 1.8 hrs/day) in both the G1 and G3 goats; whereas it was higher (2.3 hrs/day) in the G2 goats.


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