Pathological study on persistent corpus luteum in cattle

Title: Pathological study on persistent corpus luteum in cattle

Authors: Anita Rathore, H Dadhich, Sunita Rani and Rohitash Dadhich

Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):67-68.

Cite this reference as: Rathore Anita, Dadhich H, Rani Sunita and Dadhich Rohitash (2016). Pathological study on persistent corpus luteum in cattle. Ruminant Science 5(1):67-68.


Present study was carried out on 390 samples of female genital tract examined from cattle of different age and breeds, of which 156 were found to have various abnormalities. Out of these, 55 samples revealed pathological lesions in the ovary, of which 6 cases (3.84%) were of persistent corpus luteum. Grossly, on incision, no central cavity was seen and colour of persistent corpus luteum varied from dark brown to faint yellow. Microscopically, thick fibrous connective tissue capsule with its invagination into the lutein tissue sub-dividing it into small lobules. In some cases, lutein cells were normal with vacuolated cytoplasm and lightly stained nuclei.


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