Title: Influence of non- genetic factors on greasy fleece yield of Sonadi sheep
Authors: PC Sharma, Deepak Sharma, Govardhan, CS Saraswat, Sunil Kumar and RK Nagda
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):71-72.
Cite this reference as: Sharma PC, Sharma Deepak, Govardhan, Saraswat CS, Kumar Sunil and Nagda RK (2016). Influence of non- genetic factors on greasy fleece yield of Sonadi sheep Ruminant Science 5(1):71-72.
A total of 369 Sonadi sheep rear during the period of 2010-15 were analyzed to assess the effect of non-genetic factors on Greece fleece yield of Sonadi sheep. First six month fleece yield and adult annual GFY were estimated as 245.09±7.29 gm and 861.39±9.54 gm, respectively. Season and sex of lambing had significant influence on GFY traits. Lambs born during March to June achieved higher first six months GFY than lambs born in other season.
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