Histopathological observations on cystic ovarian conditions in sheep (Ovis aries)

Title: Histopathological observations on cystic ovarian conditions in sheep (Ovis aries)

Authors: PC Kankhedia, Manish Agrawal, Manisha Mathur and Hemant Dadhich

Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(1):51-54.

Cite this reference as: Kankhedia PC, Agrawal Manish, Mathur Manisha and Dadhich Hemant (2017). Histopathological observations on cystic ovarian conditions in sheep (Ovis aries). Ruminant Science 6(1):51-54.


A total number of 874 specimens of the female genital tracts of sheep were collected, out of these, 311 specimens showing frank macroscopic lesions were further processed for histopathological examinations. The incidence of various types of cysts were recorded as Follicular cyst 4.18%, Lutein cyst 5.46%, Para ovarian cyst 3.86%, Rete ovarii and vestiges 2.57%, Multiple serous inclusion cysts 0.96%, Follicular atresia 2.89%, Anovular cord 2.57% and Folliculoid 3.53%. The histopathological findings were described for different type of cysts observed in present investigation.


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