Studies on prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthic infections and their associated

Title: Studies on prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthic infections and their associated risk factors in dairy animals of semi-arid eastern plains of Rajasthan

Authors: Monika, Abhishek Gupta, PK Pilania, N Kumar, KP Parmar and GS Manohar

Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(1):55-62.

Cite this reference as: Monika, Gupta Abhishek, Pilania PK, Kumar N, Parmar KP and Manohar GS (2017).Studies on prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthic infections and their associated risk factors in dairy animals of semi-arid eastern plains of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 6(1):55-62.


A total of 649 faecal samples comprising of 392 samples from cattle (215; native and 177; crossbred) and 257 from buffaloes were collected randomly from dairy animals of semi-arid eastern plains of Rajasthan during summer, rainy and winter seasons from March 2016 to January 2017. Coprological examination of samples revealed an overall prevalence of 55.62% for gastrointestinal helminthic (GIH) infections. Among various helminthes, highest prevalence reported was of strongyles (55.01%), followed by amphistomes (14.02%), Strongyloides sp. (12.48%), Trichuris sp. (10.01%), Moniezia sp. (1.38%) and Fasciola sp. (1.08%) in the decreasing order of prevalence. Quantitative analysis revealed mild to high severity of infections in terms of EPG with strongyles, Strongyloides sp. amphistome and Moniezia sp. ranging from 200-5500, 100-1700, 100-700 and 200-3400 with an average of 1218.92±249.37, 700±205.17, 244.44±66.90 and 1300±1051.64 eggs per gram, respectively. Statistical analysis using multivariate binary logistic regression model revealed highly significant difference (P<0.01) in the prevalence of GIH infection in the different types of dairy animals, among different seasons from different districts of the study area. Coprolculture analysis revealed the presence of larvae of genera Haemonchus, Oesophagostomum, Trichostrongylus, Bunostomum, Strongyloides, Cooperia and Nematodirus in the decreasing order of prevalence in the dairy animals of semi-arid eastern plain zone of Rajasthan.



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